About Me
Teaching and Training is an option taken by me. My key strength is My qualification. I am a Doctorate in Computer Science and Engineering. “Creating Endeavours” as tag line indicates this website moto.
Courses Offered
Today Python is a great language for developers. Ease, unique and rich modules make Python a great...
Web Development
Developing website's through Django is quite a buzz in today's technical world...
JAVA is widely popular for development of various domain applications range from Standard Edition...
SQL/PLSQL with Oracle
As Data Analytics, Data Science is getting popular and Data warehousing is a important domain...
Python with R
Out of any 10 people in industry, if we enquiry or ask for suggestion for learning, majority...
The simple and great featured PHP is every bodys choice in development of web applications...
Happy clients
Murali Tech Times a great place to learn and enlight our inner skills with simple basics to research oriented thinking in each problem.Its a great content provider for all levels of academia.
The whole training was amazing, Training at Murali Tech Times is full of information, and they greatly delivered Java and Django course concepts. I liked the techniques I have obtained from here, and I liked the interaction and the mix of theory and exercise. After the completion of course I feel confident in my knowledge about that particular area.
I am glad that I was a part of Murali Tech Times and trained under Java. Programming in Java has helped me to stand and face the tough competition. And my trainer's way of teaching always inspired me and grabbed my interest.
Thank you for Introducing into the Python world. Your teaching expertice enhanced my programming skills. Appriciate your involvment in guiding and making to think in different dimensions.
Murali Tech Times changed me from being a complete amateur to a better programmer. Gives us gateway of possibilities to learn and makes to thrive and quest in the world of Computer programming languages. The teaching expertise is so good that even a layman would become a complex proffessional programmer.
As my undergraduate major is on Mechanical Engineering my interest in programming is less, whereas when I had taken the online class on python and R from Murali Tech Times, the way they teach changed my opinion on coding and now my interest changes towards the data analysis. They teach the subject realistically and practically which plays a key role in understanding the coding.
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