Python is High-level interpreter-based language. It’s popular in designing Applications in various domains like:
- Web Development
- Deep Learning
- Machine Learning
- Neural Networks
- Natural Language Processing
- Artificial Intelligence
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Data Science and Analytics.
Many more.
Python language widely used in Sectors like:
- Health and Medical
- Business and Finance
- Retail and Insurance
- Research
- Robotics etc.,
Python Software Foundation is an organization which proved Python language as Open source.
Following are the simple steps for you to download, install and run Python interpreter.
Step 1: Visit official Python Web Site and Check Download Section.
Step 2: Select the latest Version based on Your OS.
(Here We use Windows 32-Bit).
Step 3: Install by clicking on the download image of Python 3.8.1. Check “Add Python 3.8 to PATH” option as we most common option we forget.
Step 4: Choose “Install Now”, install the features of Python 3.8.1.
Step 5: If no external or internal errors Python will be installed and automatically added to DOS prompt of Windows.
Step 6: We can verify the version using following command:
python –version [Enter]
Step 7: We can open or activate python interpreter using command:
python [Enter]
Hope this Post will be Helpful to you all.